
Creating Tyre Sets

To manage tyres, RaceBase uses two terms: pairs and sets. A pair consists of two tyres and is mounted on one axle. A set, on the other hand, consists of two pairs, one pair for the front axle and one for the rear axle. This approach can cover all possible combinations: for example, in a near-series car, tyres could be moved from the front axle to the rear axle to fit a new pair in front, or in a GT3, a mixed tyre setup of medium in front and hard in the rear could be represented.

To be able to create a tyre set, the pairs must first be entered.

You can also watch a video version of this tutorial: https://youtu.be/MzMv6cDqh3Q

To create a new pair, switch to the Tyres module and open the Pairs page, then click on the plus sign next to the main heading.

In the now opening Add New Pair window, first select the tyre type from the dropdown list. If the desired type is not available, you need to either create or assign it. Then you can enter the measured values of the Shore hardness for the left and the right tyre. Additionally, you can enter comments or an external set number, but let's not let that slow us down for now.

In the upper area of the window, the expected pair number is displayed. After saving the entered data by clicking on the Save New Pair button, you should now check in the table whether this pair number was actually assigned to the tyre. Then you should immediately label the tyre. RaceBase recommends not only marking the set number but also the pair number permanently on the tyre to be able to identify it unequivocally. For example, for the pair with number 22, we label the left tyre with P22L and the right with P22R on the inside.

For a set, you must now create at least one more pair.

A set is created by “marrying” two pairs. This is done by clicking on the symbol on the Pairs page, which shows two intertwined (wedding) rings.

In the following dialog, you then select the respective pair for the front and rear axle that should form a set. The dropdown lists show all possible pairs for the front and rear axle that are not yet part of a set.

You can then remove the tick, which is set by default, indicating that the set being formed is mounted on rims.

In the upper area, the expected set number is displayed. After saving the entered data by clicking on the Create Set from Pairs button, you should now check in the table whether the set received the corresponding number. The prefix marking, which shows the tyre type and compound, is automatically formed from the specified pairs.

Then you should label the tyres again. RaceBase recommends writing the set number very large on the outside of the tyre and additionally indicating the axle and side, e.g., “DM 12 VL” for the front left tyre of set 12, which is a medium compound slick.