
Master Data / Events

In this area, events are recorded. On the one hand, there are already a lot of events predefined by RaceBase or entered by the community. However, you can also add your own events.

Screen Master Data/Events

The events are grouped by year and sorted by start date. In the first column is the name of the event, followed by the start and end dates of the event, and at the very end is the track where the event takes place.

First, you should check again to make sure the desired event is not already in the list to avoid duplicates. Such duplicates can lead to major difficulties in operation, so they should be avoided as much as possible.

Add Event Window To add an event, click on the plus sign to the right of the main heading. This will open the Add Event window.

Here you enter the event name and select the race track and the associated track versions from the drop-down menus.

Then the sessions that take place at the respective event are entered. Here too, first the name is entered and then the session type is selected. Finally, the start and end of the session are entered.

If you want to add another session, click on the plus sign and enter the data accordingly. Up to nine sessions can be entered in this way. If you have accidentally added one session too many, you can remove the last session by clicking on the minus sign . Clicking on the cross deletes the respective session from the list.

To save the event, click on the corresponding button.

Why two track versions?

RaceBase can store two track layouts per event, one of which is designated as “short.” The origin of this option lies in the Nürburgring Langstrecken Series (NLS, formerly VLN). Here, you can not only complete the entire Nordschleife lap, but also drive a short connection after rounding the Grand Prix course or turn directly into the pit lane. In order for the km-counting to work properly, it is necessary to create a short variant.

If you look closely, you will notice that there is a Private checkbox. The idea behind this is a community approach. Entering an event with all sessions is time-consuming and unfortunately prone to errors. It makes the work easier for all users if the events are already available and can simply be selected for further use. Therefore, there is the option to make the event you are now entering available to others - after review by RaceBase. If you do not want this, you can mark the event as private, and no release will occur.

A short version of this explanation is visible as a tooltip when you hover over the word “Private.”

Events that have already been created by RaceBase can also be imported. To do this, click on the import icon . The subsequent Import Event window is structured similarly to the Add Event window. However, the event name is not to be entered, but can be selected from the dropdown menu. After the selection, the corresponding fields are filled in and the sessions are entered. They can then also be changed.

Changing an event is possible by clicking on the pencil icon in the function column of the table.

If an event is no longer needed, it can be archived. It then disappears from the selection fields, allowing for a “cleanup.”

To archive an event, click on the trash can icon in the function column of the table. After a security query, the event is archived.

Clicking on the archive box icon to the right of the main heading of the table switches the archive mode on or off. When archive mode is active, the icon is displayed in gray, and archived events are also displayed in the table with special markings (grayed out and crossed out).

An erroneously archived event can be restored by clicking on the recycling icon in the function column in archive mode and confirming the appearing security query.

To avoid having to archive each individual event, it is also possible to archive or de-archive all events of a year. To do this, click on the trash can icon or recycling icon next to the year and confirm the appearing security query. If no event of a year is active anymore, you must turn on the archive mode so that the year becomes visible again and you can click on the recycling icon .

It is not possible to delete an event.