
Master Data / Entries

In the Entries section, cars are assigned to events - analogous to the entry with the organizer.

All entries are displayed. The grouping can be changed via the drop-down field next to the main heading. The display can be grouped by events (i.e., chronologically) and by car.

In the table, the non-grouped field is displayed in the first column. So, if sorted by events, the car is entered here; if sorted by cars, the event is listed here. The next column shows the starting number, followed by the drivers sorted by their driver ID. Finally, the fuel tank content and the fuel consumption per lap and per short lap are listed.

Add an Entry

Pressing the plus sign next to the main heading allows you to add a new entry. The Add Entry window opens.

Here, first select the event and the car from the already created events or cars. If you can't find the desired car in the list, check under Master Data / Cars if it has already been created or archived. Only active cars can be entered. The same applies to the event.

Then, the assigned starting number is entered. The Tank Content field is pre-filled with the value from the car data. If the regulations allow less tank volume, this value can be adjusted. An increase in the value is not possible.

In the next two fields, the fuel consumption per lap and per short lap is entered.

Finally, the drivers are added. When creating, make sure that the drivers are selected in the order of the entry, as the driver ID is used in various places in RaceBase. The driver can be selected from the created drivers. If another driver (up to five are possible) is to be added, an input field can be displayed by clicking on the plus sign . If a driver was added by mistake, the last one can be deleted by clicking on the minus .

The entry is saved by clicking on the corresponding button.

Change an Entry

Changing an entry is possible by clicking on the pencil icon in the function column of the table.

Delete an Entry

Deleting an entry is not possible.