
Master Data / Cars

In this area, all cars of the team are displayed. In the first columns, the car data are listed, while the back section displays statistical values.

Car Statistics

Directly in the table, the driving times, distances, and fuel amounts collected so far in RaceBase are displayed. 1)

Add a Car

Another car can be added2), by clicking on the plus sign next to the main heading. The Add Car window opens. Here you then select the previously created model. In the field Nickname, you enter an individual name for the car, which can be shortly and concisely associated with the car. This can be a pet name, but sponsors could also be used here. The nickname is used in some selection fields.

The fuel tank size is also entered here. The actual tank volume should be entered here, if this is artificially reduced by regulations, it is better to adjust this for the respective Entry.

The chassis number serves for unmistakable assignment, but it is not further used in RaceBase, so the information is optional.

As always, entries are saved by clicking on the corresponding button.

Change a Car

Changing a car is possible by clicking on the pencil icon in the function column of the table.

Archive a Car

If a car is no longer needed, it can be archived. It is then no longer available for selection in many areas, especially when entering new data. However, existing data can still be viewed.

To archive the car, click on the trash can icon in the function column of the table. After a security query, the car is archived.

Display Archived Cars

By clicking on the archive box icon to the right of the main heading of the table, you switch the archive mode on or off. When archive mode is active, the icon is displayed in gray, and archived cars are also displayed in the table with special markings (grayed out and crossed out).

Restore a Car

An archived car can be restored by clicking on the recycling icon in the function column in archive mode and confirming the appearing security query.

Delete a Car

Cars cannot be deleted.

This requires the use of the Session module of the Race Engineer License
Requirement for multiple active cars is one or more Car-Pack Licenses