====== Tyre Pressure Management ====== One of the most crucial components in motorsport is the tyres, as they form the connection between the car and the road. Besides choosing the right tyre compound, setting the correct tyre pressure is of crucial importance. ===== Setting the Cold Tyre Pressure ===== The target tyre pressure in racing is determined by the race engineer and varies significantly depending on the manufacturer, tyre type, and duration of use. Based on this value and the expected track temperature, the race engineer must determine the cold tyre pressure with which the tyres are to be filled by the mechanic before heating. > The ultimately required air pressure is dependent on the track temperature and the tyre or rim temperature at the time of filling. Thus, there are basically two variable variables involved, which makes the formation of experience significantly more difficult. RaceBase helps to untangle this confusion. The fill pressure is always given relative to a uniform rim reference temperature, so the race engineer only has to consider the track temperature in his calculation. Usually, 10°C is used as a standard, so this temperature is preset in RaceBase. However, it can be adjusted. > > The tyre technician then subsequently measures the actual rim temperature and recalculates the values using RaceBase accordingly. To enter the cold tyre pressure, select a car on the [[referenz:reifen:sets|Sets]] page of the [[referenz:reifen|Tyres]] module and click on the heating tent symbol {{img:heizzelt.png?16&nolink}} in the row of the set for which you want to set the pressure. In the now opening //Heating Tent// window, under //Plan Heating//, you now enter the air pressures for the four tyres, which refer to the reference temperature stated below. As written above, 10°C is preselected, but this value can be adjusted. Then you determine when the heating should start and confirm your details by clicking on the //Adjust Heating Tent Settings// button. After the values have been planned, the heating tent symbol in the set list is displayed in blue {{img:heizzelt_blue.png?16&nolink}}, and the planned values for air pressure and heating start are shown next to it. When the planned heating start is reached, the heating tent symbol starts blinking yellow {{img:heizzelt_yellow.png?16&nolink}}, to attract the necessary attention of the tyre technician. ===== Set Tyre Pressure and Heat Up ===== As a tyre technician, you can now click again on the heating tent symbol {{img:heizzelt.png?16&nolink}}. Then click on the area //Set into Heating Tent//. There, you now enter the actual rim temperature, and as soon as you leave this input field, the air pressures are recalculated. The tyres can now be prepared accordingly and then brought into the heating tent. The respective time is entered, and finally, the data is saved by clicking on //Adjust Heating Tent Settings//. The heating tent symbol now turns red {{img:heizzelt_red.png?16&nolink}}, indicating that the tyres are in the heating tent.