====== Master Data / Drivers ====== In this area, drivers who are to be registered for events and considered in the [[..:sessions:timing|Timing]]((not with Basic License)) are entered. {{ fahrer.png?1280&nolink | }} For each driver, the FIA categorization for each year can be stored. This is used for display in the Tyre-App. Directly in the table, the driving times and distances collected so far in RaceBase are displayed.((This requires the use of the Session module of the Race Engineer License)) ===== Add a Driver ===== {{ fahrer_hinzufuegen.png?300&nolink|}}To add a driver, click on the plus sign {{img:plus.png?16&nolink|}} next to the main heading. The //Add Driver// window opens. Here you enter the name, first name, and a nickname. The nickname is used in some overviews and should uniquely characterize the driver. The subsequent query for the email address and language is not used for any marketing actions, but serves solely for [[..:setup:feedback|Feedback Request]] in connection with the setup of the car. It is also possible to add remarks about the driver. As always, entries are saved by clicking on the corresponding button. ===== Change a Driver ===== Changing a driver is possible by clicking on the pencil icon {{:img:bearbeiten.png?nolink&16}} in the function column of the table. ===== FIA Category ===== {{ fia_kategorie.png?300&nolink|}} For each driver, the FIA category (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze) can be stored for each year. To do this, click on the FIA icon {{:img:fia_logo.png?nolink&16}} and select the respective year and category in the subsequently appearing //FIA Category// window. A link to the publicly accessible list facilitates the entry. To change the category, also click on the FIA icon {{:img:fia_logo.png?nolink&16}} and change the category in the selected year. Deleting a year is not possible; the category can only be set to //n.a.//. ===== Archive a Driver ===== If a driver is no longer needed, they can be archived. They then disappear from the selection fields, allowing for a "cleanup." To archive a driver, click on the trash can icon {{img:papierkorb.png?16&nolink|}} in the function column of the table. After a security query, the driver is archived. ==== Display Archived Drivers ==== By clicking on the archive box icon {{img:box.png?16&nolink|}} to the right of the main heading of the table, you switch the archive mode on or off. When archive mode is active, the icon is displayed in gray, and archived drivers are also displayed in the table with special markings (grayed out and crossed out). ===== Restore a Driver ===== An erroneously archived driver can be restored by clicking on the recycling icon {{img:recycling.png?16&nolink|}} in the function column in archive mode and confirming the appearing security query. ===== Delete a Driver ===== Deleting drivers is not possible.