====== Tyres / Pairs ====== Under this menu item, the actually physically existing tyres are created as pairs - axle-wise - and, depending on the setting of the [[..:stammdaten:modelle|Model]], they are later linked to sets. {{ paare.png?nolink&1280 |}} The table displays data for each pair, the "catalogue data" of the tyre type, whether the pair is assigned to a set and if so, which one, and the handover time of the pair. The barcodes are also displayed. Additionally, the measured Shore hardness of the left and right tyres as well as the mileage are shown. Remarks can also be displayed. If no car is selected, the car to which the pair is assigned is also shown. ===== Add a Pair ===== {{ paar_hinzufuegen.png?nolink&300|}}By clicking on the plus sign {{img:plus.png?16&nolink|}} to the right of the main heading, a new pair can be created. This is necessary, for example, when tyres are collected from the supplier. The //Add New Pair// window opens. There, the anticipated pair number is first displayed. > Pair numbers are automatically assigned in ascending order for each car. As it is a multi-user environment, theoretically, duplications can occur. However, as only one team member should be responsible for entering the data of a car for organizational reasons, this should not occur in practice. Nevertheless, after saving, the pair number should be checked in the table before marking the tyre with the pair number. In the following selection field, the tyre type created under [[reifen|Tyres]] can be selected. The selection of available tyres is limited by selecting a car and an event. In the next fields, the time of handover, the barcodes and the Shore hardness values of the left and right tyres are entered. Then, the mileage of the tyre, remarks and/or an external set number can be entered. A click on the button saves the record. ===== Change a Pair ===== Changing a pair is possible via the edit symbol {{img:bearbeiten.png?16&nolink|}} in the function column. The //Change Pair// window opens. The fields correspond to those of the add dialog. :!: Changing to another car also changes the available tyres! :!: A click on the button saves the changes. ===== Archive a Pair ===== If a pair is no longer needed, it can be archived. This is equivalent to disposing of the physical pair. However, existing data can still be viewed. To archive a pair, click on the trash can icon {{img:papierkorb.png?16&nolink|}} in the function column of the table. After a security query, the pair is archived. If the pair is part of a [[sets|Set]], the set is dissolved. ==== Display Archived Pairs ==== By clicking on the archive box icon {{img:box.png?16&nolink|}} to the right of the main heading of the table, the archive mode is switched on or off. When archive mode is active, the icon is displayed in gray, and archived pairs are also displayed in the table with special markings (grayed out and crossed out). ===== Restore Pairs ===== An erroneously archived pair can be restored by clicking on the recycling icon {{img:recycling.png?16&nolink|}} in the function column in archive mode and confirming the appearing security query. The assignment to a set cannot be restored; the set must be recreated. ===== Create a Set ===== {{set_anlegen.png?nolink&300 |}}This function is only available for [[..:stammdaten:modelle|Models]] where the //Sets// property is selected. Therefore, only cars of these models can be selected in the upper area. A set consists of two pairs of tyres, one for the front axle and one for the rear axle. Therefore, the two pairs "marry" each other. Hence, the set creation symbol {{img:hochzeit.png?16&nolink|}}, showing two intertwined rings, is used. By clicking on this symbol to the right of the main heading, the //Create Set from Pairs// window opens. Here, the anticipated set number is first displayed. The same applies as for the anticipated pair number, the set number should be checked again after creation before marking the tyre accordingly. Then the pairs for the front and rear axle are selected. The selection fields always contain all pairs available for the respective axle that have not yet been linked to a set. With the checkbox, it can be decided whether the set is mounted on rims, or if only the tyres are present. After clicking on the button, the set is created. In the table, the set number appears in the Set column of the two selected pairs.