====== Basics of Operation ====== This chapter will initially cover the basics of operating RaceBase. It explains the menus, displays, filters, editing functions, etc., that are repeated on many pages and form the basic framework. Let's start by looking at the screen layout. {{ bildschirmaufbau.png?nolink&1280 |}} ===== Menu ===== The various modules and pages are accessible via the menu at the top of the screen. {{ bildschirm-menu.png?nolink&1280 |}} The menu consists of two rows; the upper row selects the modules, and the lower row selects the associated pages. The first menu row is displayed in the colors of your team, so it may differ in color from the example shown here. The menu items, modules, and pages displayed depend on the existing license. The modules or pages are selected by clicking with the mouse. ===== Heading ===== Directly under the menu on each page is the main heading. {{ bildschirm-ueberschrift.png?nolink&1280 |}} The heading itself usually corresponds to the called page. Next to the heading, depending on the page, there are some symbols and/or filtering options. The symbols (in the example, these are {{img:wechseln.png?32&nolink|Tyre Change}} and {{img:box.png?32&nolink|Archive}}) initiate functions such as adding table entries or changing certain properties. In the example, the symbols call up the tyre change on the vehicle or switch on the [[#archivmodus|Archive Mode]]. The filter fields located to the right of the heading or symbols limit the values displayed in the table to the selected areas. Sometimes the selection of some or all filter fields is necessary for any display to occur. This is the case, for example, when the data volume for display would otherwise be too large or a display would be meaningless. After selecting a value in a filter field, the page reloads. ===== Table ===== Under the heading, a table usually begins. {{ bildschirm-tabelle.png?nolink&1280 |}} This usually has a row at the top with the respective column headings. To distinguish these from the table, the column headings are displayed **(nbsp)inverted(nbsp)**. {{ ::bildschirm-tabelle-edit.png?nolink&300|}} In some tables, the rows are colored alternately. This is solely for better readability and has no further function. ==== Editable Table Fields ==== The content of individual table fields, also called cells, can be changed by double-clicking on the respective field. You can tell this by the mouse cursor turning into a "click finger". The display may vary depending on the browser and operating system. ==== Tooltip ==== Sometimes, tooltips are used in tables to hide information that is useful but takes up a lot of space, making it visible only on user request. {{::bildschirm-tooltip.png?nolink&200 |}} As an example, we see a section from the [[referenz:sessions:zeitnahme|Timing]] display on the left. Here, you can see that the set number //DM 3// is underlined with a dotted line. This indicates that a tooltip is hidden here. {{ ::bildschirm-tooltip-on.png?nolink&300|}}If you now hover the mouse over the set name, a small window appears showing data for this set. Here, it is clear that displaying the data in the table would have made it very confusing. ===== Archive Mode ===== Archive mode is switched on and off by clicking the symbol {{img:box.png?16&nolink|}}. When archive mode is activated, tables also display already archived or disposed positions. These are marked specially, namely grayed out and crossed out. Editing entries in this mode can sometimes still select archived entries in dropdown fields. Archive mode is active when the symbol is gray {{img:box_grey.png?32&nolink|}}, and when the symbol is black {{img:box.png?32&nolink|}}, archive mode is deactivated. ===== Grouping / Structuring ===== {{::zugeklappt.png?nolink&500| }}{{ ::aufgeklappt.png?nolink&500|}} In some views, information is displayed in a structured manner. This is recognizable by the symbol {{img:aufblaettern.png?nolink&16}} at the left edge of the information. After clicking on it, all information is displayed, and the symbol changes to {{img:aufgeblaettert.png?nolink&16}}. Another click hides the detailed information again. ===== Mobile Browser ===== RaceBase can also be used on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. Since the variety of possible operating system/browser combinations is even greater here than on desktop PCs, not all RaceBase functions may be available. We explicitly recommend using a PC or laptop for longer use of RaceBase. [[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pinch_zoom.png|{{ https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Pinch_zoom.png?150|Pinch Gesture Credit: GestureWorks (www.gestureworks.com)}}]] ==== Double Click / Zooming ==== By default, a zoom action is triggered by double-clicking in mobile browsers. Since, as described above, changing individual values in RaceBase can be initiated by a double-click, this zoom function is disabled((Android and iOS from version 10)). In RaceBase, zooming can therefore only be done using the pinch gesture, i.e., stretching or pinching the thumb and index finger. ==== Tooltips ==== Since there is no mouse pointer in mobile browsers, you cannot hover over a tooltip to display it. Instead, you can make a simple tap on the tooltip (i.e., click with your finger once), which will also open the tooltip. ===== Database Specifics ===== RaceBase is an application based on a database. There are a few peculiarities with database applications that I would like to briefly describe for newcomers. ==== Multi-User ==== It is typical for a database to be used by multiple users simultaneously. The screen display is only valid at the moment of retrieval, changes in the database do not immediately lead to a change in the display on the screen. To display the current data, the page must be reloaded, e.g., by reselecting the page in the menu bar, or by the refresh function of the browser (usually by pressing F5 under Windows or Command+R on Apple systems). Even without the [[lizenzen:user|User Add-On License]], RaceBase can be used by different people by logging in with the same account on different devices. The user management introduced in RaceBase through the [[lizenzen:user|User Add-On License]] serves to deny certain users rights or to grant read-only access. ==== Undo / Redo ==== :!: Database actions are typically not or only very laboriously reversible. Such an action is therefore not provided in RaceBase. Exceptions to this are, for example, the disposal of tyres or archiving of cars, etc. Also, entries made can usually be changed under the provisions of the [[referenz|Reference]]. //Undo// does not exist! :!: